I'm going through a horrible breakup. My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me. It hurts a lot...
You have the right to leave someone but at least tell them why. Because what’s even more painful than being abandoned is knowing you’re not worth an explanation....
...Yes, people can cut you off just like that...

                               by M.

My friend won't talk to me because 
I'm going out with her ex...
I'm wondering is it okay for me to date her ex ???

                                by D.

We both know we aren't okay. It’s been noted. 
I know that the sniffle I hear is a cry 
but if it doesn't break your heart it isn't love ...

                          by Emily

Be patient with yourself...It just takes time...It took me about a year and a half till I felt like I finally moved on from my first love....But there are things that stay with you like a permanent disability...You learn to live with them, but you just never move on...Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and hard to forget...

                                                 by Lina

What to do when you love someone but you have different religions?

                                               by T.M.

...I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better... 

                                            by M.

I have recently become incredibly jealous of my best friend. I feel terrible about it. We both started dating new men around the same time last year, but while her relationship has become serious enough for her to move in with her boyfriend, mine ended a few months ago. I know that none of this is my friend’s fault, and that I am being irrational and unfair, but I can’t help feeling like she has everything I want. I just don't know what to do.

I'm technically single but my heart is taken by someone I can't call my own...

Just because we don't talk, doesn't mean I don't think about you. I'm just trying to distance myself because I know I can't have you...

... I love the way you refuse my love ...

My boyfriend has left me and my heart is broken ...

I'm so confused.. He's the only man I really fell in love with.. And it seems that the only man I really want is the man that I can't really have... :(

                                                                  by L.

...Some girl just called me ugly lol ...

                                           by Amy

My friend always lies to me and I'm so sick of it! 
What should I do?

                                                                                                    by H.

     ...I'm stalking my ex on facebook...

                                                 by Lisa

                   ...Just once 
             I want to fall in love 
           and not have it hurt so bad 
                   in the end...
                                                             by T.

      ...Still paying for mistakes
              of my youth...
                                                   by R.

...I've been stalking you for a while now...
...I'm not ashamed to admit that...
...and I know that I don't stand a chance...
...You love her too much...and even if you don't...
...I'm a coward...

                                                                by T.

...  It's been so long that you've been gone, but I still love you...

                                                        by A.

...Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more...

                                                             by Fay

I loved my boyfriend very much, but he didn't treat me right. His best friend told me that my boyfriend didn't treat me right, and that I deserved someone better.

                                                                                                                                       by H.

...I really wish I was pretty...

                                         by L.

I'm falling in love but he already has a girlfriend ...

                                                                          by A.R.